
Thursday, October 21, 2004

Bush calls a Man of God a liar.

Poor Pat Robertson. While his politics may be a bit misguided, I don't think he's the kind of vindictive liar that Bush is. So to cover up Bush's anti-intellectualism, they revert to calling this good man a "liar". While we're at it, didn't Jesus say "all who draw the sword will die by the sword"... maybe Bush can call Jesus a liar next. Because everyone knows that Jesus is a hippie, commie, Kerry-lover -- and I think he came from the French-section of Isreal.

[update] Why didn't Bush call Robertson a liar 4 months ago? Robertson: "I only met with him once. I said, You better prepare the American people for some serious casualties. And he said, Oh, no, our troops are, you know, so well protected, we don‘t have to worry about that."
::: 7:52 AM


"The enemy of my enemy is my friend?"

So, you take something I've said... take it out of context... then twist it to mean something else? How much is KKKarl Rove paying you?

Obviously, Robertson is just a right-wing nutjob, but he's not a liar. On the other hand, Bush is a rightwing nutjob and a liar... and a vindictive one as well.
Blogger Max, at 12:18 PM  

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