
Friday, November 05, 2004

The Right is delusional.

The Democrats suffered a loss. That's true. But if you were to listen to the wing-nuts, you'd think that everyone had turned Republican. The fact is, like with everything else, they're lying.

Right now, Bush has 59.1 million votes versus Kerry's 55.9 million. If you add to that the 1.2 million who voted 3rd party, you realize that 57 MILLION people don't want Bush as their President. I wouldn't be so damned cocky with numbers like that. Even Clinton won with 6% more votes than Bush Sr., and he was up against a viable third party candidate. Now Bush is acting like he's going to be some great unifier. Well, he had that chance over the past 4 years, and he failed miserably.

The only recourse now is to completely shut down the Republican agenda. While they may not be in the majority, Democrats in Congress can still reject any of Bush's judicial nominees. If Renquist retires, the Democrats should turn down EVERY one of Bush's nominees, until he changes his ways. At least until 2006, when we take back the Congress.

The Republicans have been highly effective at fear and hate mongering. Our goal from this day forward, is to show the public that only threat they face are conservatives. They will take your Social Security.... they will draft your son .... they will allow big corporations to harm you and give you nothing in return.... THESE are the people you should be afraid of. A gay person won't fire you, then refuse to give you unemployment.... a liberal won't pollute the air with toxins that give you cancer, and tell you everything is safe.... a Hollywood celebrity won't send your child into a war with inadequate equipment, then cut his benefits is he gets hurt... but REPUBLICANS WILL.
::: 11:53 AM ::: perma-link ::: (0) comments :::

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Don't be intimidated by Republican thugs who will pick and choose who they don't like to challenge. And thank God for Daschle for stopping these intimidation tactics in SD. Also, the Repugs are so desperate, they're trying to FAKE a scandal. But they've been caught again by the ever vigilant left.

Just a few more hours until we can celebrate President Kerry.
::: 7:09 AM ::: perma-link ::: (0) comments :::

Monday, November 01, 2004

the "Pictures of Wacky people at Rallys" game

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::: 10:58 AM ::: perma-link ::: (0) comments :::