
Friday, October 22, 2004

Osama bin Custard

Coulter attacked.... with pies. Coulter: "liberals are out of their minds... I should start travelling with somebody". the video

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Pies are just a "gateway" weapon. You may think, "I can stop throwing pies at any time", but next thing you know, you're throwing nuclear weapons. Maybe Bush can pre-emptively strike at pie throwers. You know, France makes a lot of pastries.

This just in: Larry, Moe, and Curly have been locked up at Gitmo.
::: 3:56 PM ::: perma-link ::: (0) comments :::

Bush is going to get BODYSLAMMED!

And Jesse "The Body" Ventura is the man to do it.
::: 12:21 PM ::: perma-link ::: (0) comments :::

Bush is already trying to re-steal this election.

They wanted to vote for Kerry, but a green check appeared next to Bush's name. I had really hoped that all the "voter fraud" stories would keep people on their toes, and possibly prevent these underhanded tricks that the "right" engages in. Unfortunately, the Repugnant-cans have lost ALL sense of reality, and are blatantly trying to steal the Presidency... again. I thought this video was funny when I first saw it.... now, it has a sort of Nostradamus/ Orwellian feel to it.
::: 8:51 AM ::: perma-link ::: (0) comments :::

The Catholic Church absolves Kerry

"Kerry is not a heretic". Well, that clears that up. I wonder if Bush could stand up against such scrutiny. Probably not, since he executed more people while he was a Texas governor than any other state, which garnered him the nickname "The Texe-cutioner". He also claims that he was "chosen" by God to be President... and God told him to invade Iraq. A lot of that sounds pretty heretical to me.
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Thursday, October 21, 2004

Bush is getting F'ed all over the place.

Tenet Calls Iraq War 'Wrong'.

That's a HUGE bombshell. Tomorrow's headline from the Bush people: "Bush says Tenet doesn't really exist."
Because, you know, that is how they treat any problem... like it doesn't exist.
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I believe the children are the future...

...And they obviously realize that if Bush is elected, they won't have much of a future.
::: 8:29 AM ::: perma-link ::: (0) comments :::

Bush calls a Man of God a liar.

Poor Pat Robertson. While his politics may be a bit misguided, I don't think he's the kind of vindictive liar that Bush is. So to cover up Bush's anti-intellectualism, they revert to calling this good man a "liar". While we're at it, didn't Jesus say "all who draw the sword will die by the sword"... maybe Bush can call Jesus a liar next. Because everyone knows that Jesus is a hippie, commie, Kerry-lover -- and I think he came from the French-section of Isreal.

[update] Why didn't Bush call Robertson a liar 4 months ago? Robertson: "I only met with him once. I said, You better prepare the American people for some serious casualties. And he said, Oh, no, our troops are, you know, so well protected, we don‘t have to worry about that."
::: 7:52 AM ::: perma-link ::: (1) comments :::

When will everyone realize that Bush LIES!

Maybe he should read a few of the "internets", before he tries to lie again. Tim Ryan was right. Why should we believe anything this administration says, when they can't EVER tell the truth? They fabricated evidence about WMD's just to make a case to invade Iraq... and they lied about how much their Medicare bill would cost. The can't help people be immunizized against the flu, but they sure seem to immune from the truth.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Stupid, theiving Repubs.

from the Rocky Mountain News. Not only do they rip up ballots, they're now STEALING. And if you weren't convinced about Kerry's greatness before, read this Rolling Stone article.
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Republican voter fraud.

Bush is afraid. He's very afraid.

He knows he can't win legitamately, since he didn't even win in 2000. So, first, we find out that a Nevada polling group was shredding Democrat ballots. Then the same thing happens in Oregon, with the same people involved. Now, the same people AGAIN are doing the same thing in Pennsylvania. On top of that, they're also trying to stiff the people they employed out of their money.
::: 8:57 AM ::: perma-link ::: (0) comments :::

A Right-winger calling Kerry a Communist...

... is like Jeffrey Dahmer criticizing someone for J-walking.

I wonder if Dictator Bush will renounce the Iranian government giving him an endorsement? I guess they're only the "Axis of Evil" when the Fuhrer is making public speeches. And speaking of Hitler, why doesn't anyone question Bush's family history? Our current government has exhibited time and time again that the road they want to go down is VERY similar to fascism that Bush's gramps supported. And there's a good case to be made. It started with the Patriot Act, and if Bush and his cronies get re-elected, you can bet that the Patriot Act 2 will get put into law, and any "fiction" that Orwell wrote about will become a harsh reality.
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

It's "in the bag" for KErry.

Needing 270 electoral votes to win, Kerry's got a predicted284 on one site, between 270 and 290 on another, and 316(!) on another. I hope Bush is packing up the White House and getting his Crawford Ranch ready for his arrival (although he's spent half of his presdency on vacation already). Maybe he can find some good luggage here. That's one purchase I wouldn't mind my tax dollars going towards.
::: 3:20 PM ::: perma-link ::: (1) comments :::

Those idiots in the Republican party...

Is Sinclair Broadcasting so dimwitted that they'll let their stock prices TANK, just to prove a point?  What don't these jerk-offs understand?  I thought the common knowledge was that the Republicants were fiscally conservative.  Of course, the economy was at its height under a DEMOCRATIC President.  It might be time to rethink this "common knowledge" crap.
::: 1:15 PM ::: perma-link ::: (1) comments :::