
Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Bush has made enemies...

There's a "leak" that the administration wants to add another 20,000 troops to Iraq .... and then there's another about Bush waiting to ask for another $70 billion.

Admittedly, these things are actually good. Kerry has been saying all along that we need more troops, and we need to fund them better. But with Bush and Co. pushing the "Iraq is going great" delusion, this is the last thing that needs to be coming out with only 6 days until the election. Plus, the continuing missing 380 tons of explosives story has gone two days without being acknowledged by the President, and now he's claiming that Kerry is "questioning the troops". That's been a pretty standard defense that the President puts on: It's not my fault... and if you say something bad about it, you're criticizing the troops. He did it with Tora Bora, and he's doing the same thing now. Isn't the President accountable for anything?
::: 8:44 AM


Yeah, and that debunking has been debunked.
Blogger Max, at 3:58 PM  

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