So, the wingnutters are all a-flutter about this DOD picture that "proves" that the Al QaQaa explosives were moved before the war.
Now, we get a map from the IAEA that shows the Al QaQaa facility, and where these explosives were located.
Notice that the DOD picture is centered on the area where the green square is. Now let's compare the two.
Hmmmm.... it looks like the trucks weren't even near the bunker that contained the HMX. Plus, the newest KSTB video shows the troops at a SEALED bunker AFTER the fall of the Bagdhad. And here's what David Kay (I think EVERYONE can agree that he's a bit more of an expert than any of us) says on CNN:
Aaron Brown: Was there anything else at the facility that would have been under IAEA seal?
David Kay: Absolutely nothing. It was the HMX, RDX, the two high explosives.
Why are the wing-nutters in such a fantasy world? Just accept the facts... Bush failed.